Еще порция лапши от Адама и Эдички, если кому не хватило.
Или, может, это в соо закинуть, для общего, так сказать, ознакомления?
It’s been interesting to watch the “villains” becoming heroes, the most recent example being Regina. Is that dark element a chapter that’s closed for them?
Horowitz: I don’t think anyone has a chapter in their life they’re ever completely done with. You overcome and get past things but they’re always a part of you and they always make up who you are. Just in the last episode, where we saw Regina use light magic, that doesn’t mean there’s still darkness that’s a part of her that she’s done with. We saw Rumple, even with his darker impulses, doesn’t mean that there isn’t good in him as well.
Kitsis: Rumple promised Zelena he wasn’t going to kill her, but at the same time when he proposed to Belle, that was genuine.
Had Rumple not come in and killed Zelena, do you think she had a good shot at redeeming herself like Regina had hoped?
Kitsis: I think this is a show that when Adam and I created it, we wanted to say everyone had a shot at redemption. It was about hope. If Rumplestiltskin, the most selfish man in the world and someone who was a coward, can literally sacrifice his life and break the cycle of his family’s cowardice which we saw in episode 11, I think everybody is capable of it. It’s really a matter of whether you choose to do the hard work to get there.
What does a Belle and Rumple engagement look like? He’s hiding a big secret from her and we know secrets never end well in Storybrooke.
Kitsis: Secrets never end well. (Joking.) I can tell you that his bachelor party is going to be in Atlantic City… As we said, Rumple’s love for Belle is genuine but he also let us know that in their very first episode together “Skin Deep” that he’s a very difficult man to love. There are a lot of complicated things going on in his head and we’re just beginning to explore that. Next year, we’ll understand a lot more what he’s thinking.
Will Belle find out about Rumple killing Zelena?
Kitsis: We’ll have to wait and see when she finds out. It could be this weekend, it could be next year. You’ll have to watch Sunday night.
| четверг, 08 мая 2014