Вот эту часть интервью Эспенсон Барбаре Барнетт (отседа) можно распечатать и повесить над монитором, как мысли черные ко мне придут:

Breaking the iconic “chipped cup”:
The cup. I think people need to remember that symbolism works one direction, not both directions–the cup symbolizes the relationship, but that doesn’t mean that breaking the cup ends the relationship. The cup has no magical power over the relationship.

…And the fans’ reaction to it:
I’m a fan, too. There are shows that I watch where I gnash my teeth and I get upset and I worry about the characters and if they have a character cheating on another character, I get very upset and I absolutely understand. But I think, yes, these are characters who face obstacles, and that’s often how romantic storytelling works. If you have a happy couple, they’re often off-screen. If love is going to conquer all, you need there to be a thing to conquer.

Playing the angst and pain of an emotional moment like Belle smashing the cup:
I think it is a great gift to an actor to give them drama like that to play. I would not want to wish too much happiness in the characterization on any actor. If you think about people talk about like their favorite Spike [from Buffy the Vampire Slayer] moments of all time, they often cite the moment where he’s talking about, “I would have saved you, Buffy. Every night I think of the different way I could have saved you.” It’s a very painful moment that really let James shine.

А вот эта часть меня все-таки настораживает, ибо... ну, видится в ней определенный намек на то, что Румпель мог быть отцом Регины. Одна надежда, что кровь на глобусе не указала Сторибрук как место нахождения еще одного отпрыска Румпельштильцхена, но вдруг об этом внезапно забудут, если возникнет желание провернуть еще один душераздирающий твист? Но что Джейн имела в виду, упоминая "говорящие" кастинговые решения, я так и не поняла.

Cora and Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold:
Well, certainly it seem like they have a history. She’s called him master the way you would a teacher – like a schoolmaster – and she gave him that kiss where he just sort of … I felt he barely kept his anger in check when she kissed him and he had to stand there. But we also saw a little bit of force of habit there, the sense that, yes, she’s not making this up, they have kissed before. I wouldn’t be surprised if we learn something more about that history this season. If you look back at what casting choices have been announced earlier this year, you might be able to figure some stuff out about some back-story reveals that might be coming up.